The Isthmus... Martes Financiero

It was June 26th, 2016. The time was almost 5 AM. I got on the bus to go to Agua Clara and watch the first Neo Max ship transit the newly expanded Panama Canal. It was still dark and so early. I just loaded myself onto the bus and tried to get some rest, it was going to be a long day. Pleasantries were exchanged all around. After the journey on the autopista to Colon, I started readying myself. I made sure there was film in all of my cameras. 

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The Isthmus... The Kuna

     Anyways, when I was in the Guna Yala I was able to make many beautiful photographs of the Kuna. It was easy and they weren't constantly turning away. The photograph below is of a group of Kuna women sitting on a bench on the Cinta Costera. I raised my camera and of course they turned.

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