The Isthmus... Martes Financiero

It was June 26th, 2016. The time was almost 5 AM. I got on the bus to go to Agua Clara and watch the first Neo Max ship transit the newly expanded Panama Canal. It was still dark and so early. I just loaded myself onto the bus and tried to get some rest, it was going to be a long day. Pleasantries were exchanged all around. After the journey on the autopista to Colon, I started readying myself. I made sure there was film in all of my cameras. 

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January 18, 2017.

During the Miami Book Fair International 2016 I had a chance to sit down with Anna Dziewit Meller and talk about the Miami street art trilogy(I'M IN MIAMI BITCH!, BASELGEDDON and ARTY GRAS). 

Sit back and soak it in, hear about the beginnings of the project and how Wynwood has transformed these last years.

I'M IN MIAMI BITCH! Featured on the Leica Blog

The Leica Camera Blog ran a great feature on the blog today about my project on Wynwood. They dig deep to get inside the project that I have spent the last few years working on. It's a great insight into my work process and how I approach the subject of Street Art. Check it out!